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catmaply 0.9.4 (17 Jan 2024)
CRAN release: 2024-01-30
- bugfix legend interactive no interactive legend
- updated CI/CD
- improved color range consistency between interactive and non-interactive legend
catmaply 0.9.3 (01 Jan 2023)
CRAN release: 2023-01-05
- improved
- #40 x-axis now supports datetime as well as date
- small maintenance updates
catmaply 0.9.2 (20 Sept 2021)
CRAN release: 2022-09-21
- added pkgdown
- minor cleaning to fix HTML validation errors
- removed unnecessary imports.
- added additional remote
catmaply 0.9.1 (12 Aug 2021)
- Maintenance (added rmarkdown to Suggests)
catmaply 0.9.0 (31 Aug 2020)
- Simple categorical heatmap
- Color ranges per category
- Axis formatting
- Hover templating
- Time Axis
- Slider
- Annotations